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Know your options

The choice to undergo breast reconstruction is a very personal one. It’s important to know all of your options when it comes to breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Doing your own research and speaking with your physician to understand what option is best for you, are great places to start. Below are a few different options for breast reconstruction surgery. Click on each option to learn more.

Breast Reconstruction

Staged Implant Based
Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Go Flat


Get to know the technology

From diagnosis to reconstruction, get to know the technology that may assist in your breast cancer journey.


SPY-PHI uses SPY Fluorescence Imaging technology to allow surgeons to visualize blood flow intraoperatively, which may help them make certain decisions to improve surgical outcomes.

SPY-PHI is indicated for the visualization of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels during lymphatic mapping in adults with breast cancer.6 It may also be utilized during reconstruction for visualization of tissue perfusion.

Adequate blood flow is crucial for healing. By seeing whether or not tissue is adequately perfused during a reconstructive surgery, surgeons may make critical decisions that could potentially reduce the risk of complications related to poorly perfused tissue.

Illuminated instruments

lluminated instruments are designed to provide greater visualization during breast reconstruction.7

MOLLI Surgical

MOLLI Surgical is a wire-free soft tissue localization technology that helps surgeons mark the location of a lesion for removal during breast conserving surgery.



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Find a location with SPY fluorescence technology

To locate a facility/hospital in the United States that uses SPY Fluorescence Imaging technology nearest you, please enter your zip code.

      This Physician Locator matches individuals to physicians who utilize or have utilized our products for one or more of the above mentioned plastic reconstructive procedures using SPY imaging technology, or have registered with this site. Neither physicians nor patients pay a fee for this service. All referrals are identified based upon geographical or zip code criteria only. Physicians are identified within a specified mile radius of a patient’s stated zip code. Stryker does not guarantee the accuracy of the listings, as physicians are responsible for providing the current contact information. This is not necessarily a complete list. If your search on the Physician Locator does not return a physician in your area, there may be physicians in your area that perform these minimally-invasive procedures who are not registered with this site. To learn whether there may be physicians in your area who are not registered with this site, we recommend checking with your local hospital or your primary care physician.

      Patients are free to choose any provider they wish for their health care needs. This Physician Locator is not intended as a recommendation, referral, or endorsement of any particular physician or as a tool for verifying the credentials, qualifications, or abilities of any such physician. This Physician Locator or any of the data, listings or other information contained therein may not be downloaded, republished, sold or duplicated, in whole or in part, in any medium, for use in any list of physicians or for any purpose whatsoever.

      Disclaimers and Liabilities. Stryker does not warrant that this Physician Locator or any part thereof is accurate, complete, or is fit for any particular purpose. Stryker does not recommend or endorse any individual physician named in this Physician Locator for any purpose. You assume full responsibility for your communications and interactions with any physician you contact through this Physician Locator. Stryker shall in no event be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on any information provided in this Physician Locator. The above warranties are the only warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. Stryker has the right to track analytics on this Physician Locator. You have the right to opt out of this tracking system by notifying Stryker in writing.

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      1. Noone AM, Howlader N, Krapcho M, et al. (editors). SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2015. Table 4.17. National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD. Accessed on April 19, 2018. http://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2015/, 2018.
      2. Source: The survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of ASPS from July 26-30, 2012 among 1,204 adult women ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.
      3. Al-Ghazal SK et al. The psychological impact of immediate rather than delayed breast reconstruction (European Journal of Surgical Oncology) Feb. 2000
      4. Dave R, O’Connell R, Rattay T, et al. The iBRA-2 (immediate breast reconstruction and adjuvant therapy audit) study: protocol for a prospective national multicentre cohort study to evaluate the impact of immediate breast reconstruction on the delivery of adjuvant therapy. BMJ Open 2016
      5. Weenk, M. “Factors Influencing the Decision to Pursue Immediate Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy for Breast Cancer.” Gland Surg, Feb. 2017.
      6. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2023/211580s006lbl.pdf
      7. D0000015933 Rev. AA

      The information is for educational and informational purposes only and is designed to serve as an aid to patients and presents current information and opinions related to surgical options for breast cancer patients. The surgical options discussed herein are descriptions based on prior peer-reviewed clinical research and practice conducted by surgeons.

      Stryker does not dispense medical advice and recommends that healthcare professionals be trained in the use of any particular product, technique or procedure before using it in a surgery. Stryker, the manufacturer of the SPY-PHI Imaging System and SPY Elite Imaging System, does not practice medicine and does not recommend these or any other surgical techniques for use on a particular patient. The surgeon who performs any particular procedure is responsible for determining and utilizing the appropriate techniques for such procedure in each individual patient based on their particular characteristics and based on the surgeon’s clinical judgment, knowledge and education. Stryker is not responsible for selection of individual surgical techniques to be utilized for an individual patient. The surgical techniques utilized are to be determined by the surgeon in question. A surgeon must always rely on his or her own professional clinical judgment when deciding whether to use a particular product, technique or procedure when treating a particular patient.

      Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your surgeon. All surgery presents risk and breast reconstruction is a major surgery where serious complications could occur. Risks specific to breast reconstructive surgery include bleeding, blood clots, infection, healing problems, tissue death (necrosis), loss of breast sensation, problem with breast implants, tissue expanders or other devices used, uneven breasts and/or need for revisionary surgery. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information. Speak to your surgeon in order to determine the appropriate procedures and/or techniques required for your situation.

      The information presented is intended to demonstrate the breadth of Stryker product offerings. A healthcare professional must always refer to the package insert, product label and/or instructions for use before using any Stryker product. Products may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your Stryker representative if you have questions about the availability of Stryker products in your area.

      Because SPY AGENT GREEN contains iodine, the iodine-binding capacity of thyroid tissue may be reduced for at least one week following administration. Do not perform radioactive iodine uptake studies for at least one week following administration of SPY AGENT GREEN.

      This site is intended for US residents only.

      © Stryker 2024 | Stryker Corporation or its affiliates own, use, or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: SPY, SPY-PHI, SPY Elite, Stryker, Novadaq.